Talsi Municipality, Sabile

Location of the monument:

Latitude: 57.083215
Longitude: 22.487950

The Nazi troops entered Sabile on 1 July 1941, and actions against Jews began immediately – the synagogue was burnt down and all Jews were placed in one building. On 6 August 1941 Jews were taken to a forest (approximately 7 km from Sabile) and shot.

During the Soviet period on the site of murder a monument was erected, it had a commemorative plaque in Latvian and Russian: “Here rest 240 victims of German fascists’ terror. Killed on 6 August 1941”.

Further reading:

  • Meler M. Jewish Latvia: Sites to Remember. Tel-Aviv: Association of Latvian and Estonian Jews in Israel, 2013.
  • Ezergailis A. The Holocaust in Latvia, 1941-1944: The Missing Center. Riga: The Historical Institute of Latvia; Washington, DC: US Holocaust Memorial Museum, 1996.

Search for the related names of Jews at http://names.lu.lv.