Rucava Municipality, Rucava

Location of the monument:

Latitude: 56.161932
Longitude: 21.137790

The Nazi troops entered Rucava at the end of June 1941, and already soon afterwards – on the last days of June – German SD commando shot all Jews of Rucava (10 persons) in the Rucava Forest.

Immediately after the war the site of murder in the forest was fenced off with a pole fence, and in 2006, thanks to financial support by the European Union, the Council of Jewish Communities of Latvia placed there a black granite stone with a commemorative plaque with an inscription in Latvian: “Here at the end of June 1941 German Nazis killed 10 Jews of Rucava – the Bornsteins, the Weingerbs and Itzhak Brikmann”

Further reading:

  • Meler M. Jewish Latvia: Sites to Remember. Tel-Aviv: Association of Latvian and Estonian Jews in Israel, 2013.
  • Ezergailis A. The Holocaust in Latvia, 1941-1944: The Missing Center. Riga: The Historical Institute of Latvia; Washington, DC: US Holocaust Memorial Museum, 1996.

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